Installation produced at Da Wang Cultural Highlands Art Residency, Shenzhen, China, 2011. I used the materials left over, and left on the street in the art fabrication village/neighborhood of Da Fen in Shenzhen. Da Fen is a village the main industrial pursuit is the reproduction of famous works from the history of art. Every store front participates in this economy from painters, to frame makers, to material wholesalers. I’ve never seen anything quite like it before or since. Frame makers in this town would throw all the off-cuts of a variety of faux-fancy frames into big piles on the street before trash day. I was literally taking trash from the industrial reproduction of art and turning it into an original art work. I found this ironic and pleasing.

Karl Hofmann, Magic Sticks, 2011

Karl Hofmann, Magic Sticks, 2011

Karl Hofmann, Magic Sticks, 2011

Karl Hofmann, Magic Sticks, 2011